Exercise – Side to Side Leg Swings

Side to Side Leg Swings are a foundational mobility movement as well as a warm-up in our tricking curriculum. It helps to prepare the muscles and hips for common movements in tricking or disciplines with kick-related skills.

Stand facing a wall, place both hands on the wall. Keep your base leg flat on the floor for maximum flexibility benefits and begin swinging one leg sideways towards the outside of your body, letting your hip open and letting your knee and toes face the sky. Then let the momentum take your leg down while you control it and pull it back across your body in front of the other leg. Be careful not to kick the wall and don’t forget to switch legs and do both sides!

After mastering the Side to Side Leg Swings, you can work towards one of the following:

  • Do them without a wall to challenge your balance
  • Work on your basic kicks on the ground
  • Work toward pop 360 kick