Exercise – Scoot

The Scoot is a beginner level transition skill in our tricking curriculum. It is a great combo-opening trick that transitions easily to other movements. Learning the scoot is foundational to the progression of master scoots, touchdown raiz, and more.

If you twist to the left, start by kneeling on your left knee. Reach forward with your left hand and place it on the ground. Keep your weight over the left hand to pivot as you jump off of your right leg to turn a full 180°. Land on your left leg first and keep your right leg behind you to be used for power. You may choose to land in an “eagle” position and swing, land in a “pop” stance and flip, alternate legs on takeoff and do a vanish, and much more. If you prefer twisting to the right,, mirror these directions.

Mastering the Scoot is key to unlocking many new tricking skills. Once you have this down, progress towards:

  • Start or connect a combo with the Scoot
  • Continue through with a swing, pop, or vanish out of the Scoot
  • Work towards the master scoot or touchdown raiz