Exercise – Rail Pistol Squats

The Rail Pistol Squat is a great unilateral strength exercise and skill to master for those looking to take their balance to the next level. Pistols are a unique skill that requires both mobility and strength to practice – using a rail can help to mitigate some of the flexibility needed similar to an elevated pistol. We utilize this skill to also mount and dismount rails in a safe manner.

Stand on top of the rail with your foot parallel to the obstacle. The foot will stay connected throughout the entirety of the exercise. One leg will be free and used as your “counterweight” to help you balance. Slowly lower to the bottom of a squat allowing your counterweight leg to relax or flex however needed to balance. Your arms can extend in front or to the side to assist as counterweights. Raise yourself back into the starting, standing position.

When you’re ready for the next progression:

  • Perform Rail Pistol Squats in sets while maintaining balance
  • Work towards the full pistol squat on a flat surface to challenge your mobility
  • Use with Bulgarian squats to build unilateral leg strength