Exercise – Macacao

The Macacao is traditionally rooted in capoeira, the Afro-Brazillian martial art, capoeira. It’s a skill similar to the acrobatic back handspring with the exception of starting with a low position and using one hand behind. Pulling Macacaos into tricking, the skill is very useful as a mid-combo trick for transitioning into other movements like backflips or swings. It can also act as a progression towards the back handspring or master scoot.

Learning the Macacao is foundational to the progression of Back Hand Spring, Master Scoot, and more.

If you twist to the left, start in a ready stance and then squat down, placing only your left hand on the ground behind you. Then jump off of the ground with both legs at the same time, reaching backwards with your right hand. Keep your eyes on the floor over your left shoulder, and arch your back as you reach backwards so that both hands are on the ground and continue the momentum and land like a normal scoot: Land on your left leg first and keep your right leg behind you to be used for power. You may choose to land in an “eagle” position and swing, land in a “pop” stance and flip, alternate legs on takeoff and do a vanish, and much more. You can also land this trick like a cartwheel for less difficulty and more versatility. Or you can land with a “snap down” like a round off. If you prefer twisting to the right, mirror these directions.

Learning Macacaos is just a start to taking progressions towards new movements or connecting through to expressive combos.

  • Start or connect a tricking combo with the Macacao
  • Continue through with a swing, pop, vanish, step down like cartwheel, or even snap down out of the Macacao
  • Work towards the back handspring or master scoot.