Exercise – Ledge Squats

We use Ledge Squats as a quick and easy exercise that can be performed practically on any obstacle with a hard edge. Keep it indoors on a hardcover book or staircase or take Ledge Squats outdoors onto short walls or curbs. Although it may look like an easy exercise, this skill is practical for any beginner or low impact practitioner.

Start by standing on the ledge. You’ll want to position your feet perpendicular to the edge with the weight on the front of the ball of the foot. You can explore this foot positioning moving forward or backward before squatting to see how it will affect your ankles and knees. Lower your body as you squat down to the bottom position before pushing down to return to standing. Use your arms as counterweights as you balance.

If Ledge Squats are proving too easy for your balance and coordination, consider how you can make the exercise more challenging.

  • Explore weight placement by using different foot positions
  • Jump and land on the hard edge to find and challenge your balance
  • Work towards standing jumps to precision the ledge