Exercise – Crow Pose

The Crow Pose, also known as kakasana, is a great yoga asana that can be pulling into parkour for building wrist and forearm strength. In addition, the position is an entry into inversions and handbalancing.

From a squatting position, place the palms flat on the floor – the elbows will have a slight bend. Transition your weight onto your toes to come forward and place the knees just above the elbows. There’s a bit of trust and concentration needed to maintain your balance. You’ll ground by pressing either into the fingers or palms to shift your weight back and forth.

  • The Crow Pose includes many variations while maintaining the same base of support.
    One Legged Crow Pose (Eka Pada Bakasana) is one-legged; the free leg extends straight back and up
    Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana) requires a bit more mobility and balance
    Crane Pose (Bakasana) is straight-armed requiring more upper arm strength