Exercise – Crab Scoots

The Crab Scoot is an introductory quadrupedal movement suited for those seeking a low impact variation – especially if you’re experiencing wrist pain or issues with hip mobility. Crab Scoots are hardly used enough although we all practically use this movement anytime we’re sitting on the floor! Shifting over to sit next to someone or scaling across your yoga mat to adjust to a new position.

Sit down on the floor with your feet in front of you. Place your hands wide and flat in front of your sit bones. Push through those hands as you elevate the hips to shift your weight forward. Pick the feet up and move them forward to repeat the exercise again.

This is an easy exercise to scale with any of the following:

  • Consider tripod or bipod by using only three or two limbs
  • Mix up your hand placement to work on your wrist mobility
  • The backwards variation is great to work the L-sit position