Exercise – Chest to Wall Float Off

The Chest to Wall Float Off is a great way to start with a good stacked handstand posture and drill for freestanding. Take a look at the Chest to Wall posture before floating.

Begin by performing a chest to wall handstand with just a little distance between your hands and the wall. Pull the shoulders and hips forward, away from the wall until you come off the wall into balance. If you can maintain the handstand, attempt to readjust to better posture. Control your fall by bringing your feet towards the wall to the starting position.

The Chest to Wall Float Off opens a variety of drills that can help you improve your handstand game. If you’re ready to advance as a handbalancer, try one of the following with this skill:

  • Wear socks to glide your feet
  • Instead of pushing off, pull the toes up and away from the wall using your strength
  • Try a handstand push-up. If you lose balance, simply bring your feet back to the wall.