Exercise – Cartwheel to Handstands

Once you’re confident with your cartwheels, it’s time to try slowing down to use it as an entry into the handstand. Perform the cartwheel as slow as possible, potentially even starting with the hands on the ground. If you establish balance, perform a cartwheel exit back to the original position on the same side. Naturally the straddle or split handstand shape will be best for this entry.

If you have cartwheels in a straight line, you can try this drill with a wall behind where your handstand would be. Be sure to have soft surfaces like a grassy field or mats nearby if you’re a bit nervous about attempts.

Ready to advance your handbalancing and have this drill down?

  • Cartwheel into free balance
  • Cartwheel using a different shape or position other than the lunge, straddle, or split. You can be in a low squat or keep your legs together for a pike or straight line
  • Cartwheel onto a sturdy object that’s sits slightly off the ground. It can be a handstand board, onto a curb, or maybe onto two books.