Exercise – Bear Crawls

If you spend a lot of time sitting down hunched over the computer, the Bear Crawl is a great exercise for upper body strength and and lower body mobility. This variation develops straight arm strength targeting the triceps and deltoids. As for lower body, we’re looking stretching out your posterior chain to lengthen your calves and hamstrings.

The Bear Crawl is much like the Cat Crawl however there’s a couple of differences. In the Bear Crawl, you’ll try to have long, extended limbs and high hips. Bears still move their limbs in opposing pairs (Contralateral). Once you have this variation down, there’s a couple of ways to make this more challenging by trying any of the following:

  • Crawling backwards up an incline
  • Tripod with either one arm or one leg
  • • Adding a few pike presses
  • Flow and move from Bear to Cat Crawl