Exercise – Alligator Crawls

Once you’ve mastered the basic cat crawl, the Alligator Crawl is perfect to take your strength and coordination to another level. This variation helps build the chest and shoulders by adding a push-up between steps. The coordination of this quadrupedal movement can be tricky. We can treat it like a mountain climber. A few tips – make sure you have a solid opposite-limb movement (Contralateral) pattern down. When you take a step forward with a foot, that foot will point outwards slightly so that the knee comes up to the elbow. Hips will slightly twist.

The Alligator Crawl is extremely tough when you’re going for distance, trying the movement backwards, or working your way on a decline surface. Are you looking to take Alligator Crawls to the next level? Try one of the following:

  • Wide hand placement to target chest strength gains
  • Float the front leg as you perform your press