One Mile Rail Balance Challenge for Mental Health

A Fundraiser to Support Specialized Mental Health and Parkour Programming

Balancing on a rail is symbolic of the physical struggles that we face in our day-to-day lives. It is a call to action for the parkour community to question the ethos of “être fort pour être utile,” meaning “being strong to be useful.” How do we bring strength into our practice? And how do we share our strength in contributing to the world?

Partnering with Soul Parkour (ParkourONE) of Germany and Free Your Instinct of the United Kingdom, David Banks of Ukemi planned an attempt to be the first person to complete balancing a marathon (26.2 miles / 42.2 kilometers) across a rail. The fundraiser would help to provide parkour programming for mental health and specialized support. He was unfortunately hurt with an unrelated injury preventing him from tackling the challenge.

Across the world, over two dozen athletes stepped up to donate a mile – balancing across a rail. Each individual planned out their routes just days before to ensure completion of a marathon on April 21st, 2020. In this video, Alan Tran shares his experience balancing a mile across a rail.

“I immediately jumped on board to support David Banks on this incredible project. Mental health is just as important as our physical health for our overall well-being. As for the challenge, rail balance plays a large role in my personal practice. This time around, I worked on an empty stomach with a little caffeine making it a bit difficult in terms of focus. I chose this particular rail for its privacy during the current coronavirus pause. The length was roughly 82-85ft; leading to about 65 repetitions. The end of the rail had an unstable and insecure section that made pivoting around pretty tough. Originally I had planned to repeat the entirety of the mile if I lost balance, the unstable section had me reconsider. All-in-all, I lost balance about six times over the course of about a hundred minutes. Thanks to David Banks, Free Your Instinct, and Soul Parkour. A shout-out to the athletes contributing to a special program aiding those needing mental health support.” – Alan Tran


Free Your Instinct is a young and dynamic charity that helps people with mental health support needs through the delivery of specialist parkour classes by qualified and experienced coaches. Free Your Instinct started in 2015. The Charity was founded by Charlotte Boenigk, a former exercise specialist for NHS Mental Health Services, Charley Hobson-Merrett, a former NHS accountant and Jacob Peregrine-Wheller, a ParkourUK qualified coach with a background working with participants with emotional and behavioural difficulties.

ABOUT SEELENPARKOUR (Soul Parkour) of ParkourONE

Soul Parkour addresses individuals who have experience with (or are experiencing) mental crisis. Soul Parkour means the fusion of the aspects from Parkour according to TRuST Education (by the ParkourONE Academy) and the aspects of professional peer-support in mental health and psychiatric care. Project leader Madeleine Küsel is both, a ParkourONE Headcoach with almost a decade of experience with parkour and works as a professional peer-supporter in a psychiatric hospital. She stands for hope, courage and confidence when the person she is working with can not find it for him/herself at the moment. 

Contributing Athletes

Country – Name (Organization)

AUS – Daniel Lumsden (Access Parkour)
BRA – Jedhai Pimental (Parkour Generations Brasil)
ENG – Charlotte Boenigk (Free Your Instinct)
ENG – Jess Lishman
FIN – Ossi Ilano (Oulun parkour-seura)
FIN – Panda Ilén (Suomen Parkour ry)
FIN – Janne Laurila (Parkour Earth)
GER – Clara Enge (Pfeffersport e.V.)
GER – Philipp Holzmüller (Those Guys Collective)
GER – Paul van Kaldenkerken (Metropolis Parkour)
GER – Madeleine Küsel (Soul Parkour / ParkourONE)
GER – Georgij Sosunov (Those Guys Collective)
GER – Martin Wille (Fußgänger e.V.)
HRA – Ševo Saša (Skochypstiks)
IND – Cyrus Khan (Mumbai Movement Academy)
SCT – Christopher Grant
SCT – John ‘Hedge’ Hall (Access Parkour

SCT – Scott Houston (Parkour Syllabus)
SCT – Sam Mcfarlane (Ukemi)
SCT – Tim Pearce (Ukemi)
SCT – Daniel Smith (Ukemi)
SCT – Gordon Tsang (Parkour Outreach CIC)
USA – Eve Eggleston
USA – Jesse Danger (The Movement Creative)
USA – Charles Moreland (Rochester Parkour)
USA – Nicole Moreland (Rochester Parkour)
USA – Niko Pal (Forge Parkour)
USA – Caitlin Pontrella (Parkour Visions)
USA – Sparsha Pun (Parkour Generations Americas)
USA – Jereme Denis Sanders (Explore Parkour)
USA – Alan Tran (Enso Movement)
USA – Daniel Truong (Forge Parkour)
VEN – Ekaitz Arizkorreta
WAL – Will Fraser-Coombe (Will Fraser-Coombe Freerunning)